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Contains !200 photos

This Roor gallery is now a photo archive and resourse for Roor fans.
I will not be posting any more Roor users' pics.
These several pages of pics contain only pics sent in by private persons with no commercial interests.

"This is my Puppy named Lucky and my new 2 foot tri label rasta roor"

"Hey! i <3<3<3 love ur site! i like to just browse thru the bong pix and dream about the ultimate mekanism...
here's a pic of my 2 foot frosted AMG bong :)
i hope to go to Germany or Holland, and maybe get a true bong from ROOR!"

There is nothing wrong with an AMG; it gets you were you want to go but, the Roor gets you there in style.

"Look at that milk... Heres my 20" US Orange Label Roor Double Perc Beaker Bottom. 18.8 Joints, US Diffy and heady roor square slide.
Rips beautifully"

"Great Roor owners site you have! Finally I am able to join the club. My setup: German Blue Label 500 with .de diffuser and narrowing bowl.
Provides for one hell of a good smoke. "

From left to right:

Dual diffused perc bubbler, single diffused perc bubbler, Vapor Brothers (hands free, late 2007 model), custom German Roor 18" with 18.8 mm bistabil joint, sandblasted logo, and ice notches.

18" USA RooR Kustom.
White Crown-White Ice Pinch-18.8mm Bistabal Joint -Defusor
18mm Cobalt Blue Ash Catcher with Splash Guard (Brand New)

"Here's my new piece... it's called "The Bubble Bee." Custom RooR Piece...collaboration by 3 different artists. this is truly a one of a kind thin tube B O N G. Notice the symmetrical yellow and black designs: mouthpiece, donut, the bubble, bowl and outlined stand. "

Sweet US Green with a great designer bowl.

Roor 3.2 bought this week in Connecticut U.S.
Amazing what you can buy in the USA these days.

"This little sista has the tightest down tube only
1/16 to 1/8 of clearance. I like it better than diffy's."


"Second little sista has US Roor reducing diffy with fade to clear Opus bowl extra 10 cm in height, crowm and sand blasted logo."

Here you can see a little of the sandblasted logo
and a very nice Opus bowl .


"Hello from America, I bring you beautiful Stanley the steamroller!"

The first edition was nice but this one is great!

Milk for Stanley!

"I know this isnt a ROOR but i have hit countless little sistas and dealers cups and this custom AMG named Killer made for me at a blow a shop in Venice Beach california - rips like no other. i was wondering if you could put this beauty up in the roor gallery."

"I know this isn't a roor but its one of the best pieces i have ever hit in my life its a 36' Sour zong with a three hole closed bottom diffuser and worked ashcatcher with same closed bottom diffuser it rips really hard but costs about as much as a small roor would. "


"all great tubes and little 535 (like a dream)"

Custom Family get togeather. Scroll for close ups.

Here is The Queen.

Here is the base of The Queen (scroll)

The Queen's diffuser

The case is a custom home made and it fits both The
Queen and The King but not at the same time. . .

Looks like a cuscom 7mm but I would like to know who did that work on the bowl and mouth. I've never seen the likes of it before. Perhaps someone will inform me before I forget about it. Heehheee!

ALRIGHT, someone has already informed me.

The Roor De artist that did that piece is called Sascha.

Roor Custom mouth. Now, that is awesome!
Sascha, nice name for a glass artist.

A nice milk shot with Lone Mountain in the background.
There is a close up of the Custom De Green further down the page.

Before the party.
Of course, no one sends after party pics.

The two pics above are of a US made Roor mini green. The insert is the squiggly of the blower which I find quite nice.
The bowls are the toppong on the cake.

"This is my custom Roor de 3.2 - 'Red Mini Master'
with a carbon filter and crown bowl."

Sweet cinnamon candy !

"Harry´s Kustom Crew"

On the right a 7mm Icemaster Black Label with a 10cm extension
Black Ice Nochtes - Black Crown
Nelson Bowl 66 Worldwide
Purchased in the Amsterdam store

On the left is a7mm Icemaster White Label with black Outlines
with a10cm extension. A Black, Yellow, Orange Section is brought to life by the Crown mouthpieces and Crown feet in same colors
Che Bowl 66 worldwide
Purchased in the Amsterdam store

And below is a

7mm Icemaster Orange Label:
Blue ice notches
RooR Dicro
Crown blue and orange
Purchased in the Amsterdam store

The background is an inspirational poster

Now let's see some close-ups of the above three
Original Roor Customs:

The White Logo Secion

The White Logo Base

Blue and Orange crown and Roor Dacro

Wonderful notches with that world famous signiture/squiggly.

Nelson Bowl loaded with goodies.
There are only 60 of these bowl world wide.

Che Bowl.
Only 60 of these in the whole wide world.
Notice the carbon filter just below the bowl.

Lucky Harry who took possession of the three above Customs does so giving special thanks to Adrian and the Roor Team Germany.
This Milk shot is a tost to the Force!

(hey, that's my web site on the monitor)

this one here has silver ice notches, which look magnificent
when iced or filled with smoke . 2x glass reductions. 55cm.
"filled it with some nice burmese kush and some sweet island skunk"

N I C E !

Here's a PHX ready for the plunge.
So nice. Makes me want to head back to my island home.

A US Perk ready for a workout.
See below

Here are some pics of us enjoying our roor we picked up
from dementia in hollywood, CA.

My goodness

Ya hit one of those bongs then you do some "no hand" wheelies.

Here is a Roor de Blue collection starting with the
Blue 100 a Blue 250, Blue 5oo and a Blue 1000.

A rasta mouth and bowl on a Roor de tube with a reduction.

Here is what LUX owners do when they are toasted. . .

"My friend and i had this idea last night and thought it was creative enough that fellow RooR fans and smoke enthusiasts would appreciate the thought and cleverness put into this piece :) )"
"Here are the pictures of the best RooR apple-pipe ever! "

Custom RooR paper clip bowl (to ensure nugz dont fall through);

"custom RooR artwork on the side with Washington Apple Label between the carb and mouth piece. Worked like a charm and served as a healthy munchy snack afterwards. "

Here is a US Roor Green Ice Master with
Ash Catcher, Roor Bowl and diffuser.
A perfect set up!

"This is the American Pink label extended Lil' Sista' with
ashcatcher, 2 American defusers, and a carbonfilter."

"This RooR, like all RooRs, hits like a dream with the ashcather and carbonfilter combo gives off the smoothest hit i have ever had, better even then a hurricane."
The insert above is the authors signature or "Squiggly". Sweet.

the black label is about 8 or 9 years old it is a single pull
and uses a rubber rubber gromet to seal the down stem"

Again with other US family members


The King
"7 mm called the King, 2 reductions, 2 bowls. worked diffy
and all around great pipe!!!!"

Section and a reduction

Closer look with a peek at the bowl

another reduction and the worked base

awesome marble work

the diffuser is a work of art in iteslf

The bowl. . . I wanna say it . . . darn, I need to say it. . .

I will say it! That bowl is shit! There. I feel better.

The lip of the mouth is a beautiful creation

Let's face it, the German Originals stand out
as master crafted pieces of art .

Florida s Riviera Beach would have this guy arrested
for violating the baggy pants ordinance.

"Went to marble show yesterday and got this marble that
works well as lid for the 'purple ice' "

The bong is a US roor 9mm with De. ash catcher, diffuser, down tube and bowl

A nice set of stems

A Roor crown logo

Milk from a double US made perc.

Nice Section looking good on this Flame polished Roor logo.
Check out that mean Roor "Bitch Please" bowl from pokoh.

And an Ash Catcher to match the section by kenaroo.
In the insert you can see the sweet dicro in the front of the Catcher.

Another Milk shot from the same tube but a different guy.

Then we have this very interesting tube with an
astonishing Ash Catcher.

Awesome section work in progress by a Roor de blower.
I've watched that from start to finish one day there in Frankenthal.
The time, work and skill that it takes is noteable.

This 7 mm Lil' Sista' is living it up at the pool side.

Check out her Roor custom bowl, below.

Here is a little preview of what's just below.

Here's the Green Monster 7mm 55 cm 18.8 with matching
white logo ashcatcher. No ice notches,
I fill it completely full of ice and its a Bomber!!!

Here's a wonderful embedded Roor Dicro

and a lovely worked section

a nicely worked bowl and below

a close up of the mouth of the tube.

And here is the nicely worked base and a awesome
embedded opal jewel on the back of the tube.

"Here's my Lux Scientific, aka 'Jesus.' Double Perc, Ash catcher, w/ Water Splash Guard. Custom RooR Bowl, RooR Ash Catcher, RooR Ash Catcher Downstem, Lux Diffused Downstem. "

A closer view and below is an even closer shot of that bowl.
You can see the drip gard and the carbon filter adapter which is
attached to the Roor AshCatcher.

Shiva RooR callaboration next to an IceMaster.
More below . . .

Shiva RooR callaboration 50cm with an 18.8mm joint size,
It came with a certificate of authenticity and the base has
Martin Birzle's Signature no. model and date.

Check out the Shiva Section on this tube and the Shiva bowl below.

A Shiva milk shot !
That is a very nice Custom Roor.
A real collectors item.

The happy owner of the Shiva/Roor above also has this lovely
Roor Inside Mini.

Little pocket friend with De. bowl laying on Roor catalog

First Photo of five: 22inch Custom throwback Lux with
matching bowl, bubble bottom

Second Photo, 18inch American Flag Beaker Bottom

3rd and 4th photo, 24 inch beaker bottom, with worked section with matching bowl and sick dicro marble and one wicked etched RooR Kustom label

5th photo, my favorite, 18inch beaker bottom, blue ice pinch, Purple, light purple, white, and black worked section with worked mouth pice, matching bowl with a black label.

That is a nice collection!

Here I am staring at the Led Zeppelin t-shirt and listening to
The Postal Service singing "Sleeping In".
Are we not blessed with such good music to enhance our enjoyment of a good bong like this US Icemaster Green logo.
Below you see a full view with two inserts: the blower's squiggly and a view straight down the tube.

"our roor little sista with adaptor and gear bowls."
The Green Lil' Sista' is just beautiful sitting there against
that iMac 24" monitor.

"two volcano's, an original skull, a zong shaped peice, 2 roor's
& the medicali. just a few" . . .

A US blown Roor Beaker with ice notches and a nice designer bowl.

"this is my baby i got it from a shop in Baltimore maryland.
I hope it is worthy of your amazing galary".

Here is a heafty Roor Zumo.

I've invited him to become the Zumo cheif for zone J.
Here is how it works. In Case the internet goes down, which could happen at any moment, we will revert to smoke signaling by forming a smokenet, using 50 Zumos with 50 good boys, placed at predetermined intervals around the world, to release smoke at the correct moment to write a message that can be seen and further relaid to the next Zumo relay. You will be the Zumo chief for zone 'J'. We have one in zone B, H and S already but we need a whole lot of Zumos to make it work.
Peace O O O O O (five smoke rings)

Bubble base and Zigggy icemaster
Original German Customs with
some close-ups below.

First the Bubble base . . .

So sweet!

And a famous well know squiggly (sig) that can only
be found on the best of customs from Roor Germany.

Now the Ziggy Icemaster




Well, those two customs did wake me up this morning. I could hardly wait to get them on line.

Here is a beautiful Custom Roor
just picked up in the Roor Store in Amsterdam.

Below you see the worked base and the phat 18.8 joint

and here below is a closer look at the tube with the flame polished logo

Check out that section

and below you will see the etched
marijuana leaf in the back.

Awesome. Well worth the trip in itself.

An original Roor Custom Green with . . .

Rasta work on the mouth and . . .

one of the first american style bowls made by Martin's son at Roor De."

"Here is a little eye candy. RooR USA has stepped up the game!!
Milks like a champ. 18.8mm bent neck bowl, 18 hole defusor.
A must for anyone."

Opas bowl on RooR De. inside standard 14.5
The insert is a birds eye view of the Opas bowl.

This guy is working up an apitite for a toco from the Toco Bell,
just around the corner. He has a PHx or rather had a PHx, it broke. One could say this is the last pic of that good ol' PHx. Good thing it was not a Roor. First you practice on less expensive gear and then, when you are proficient , you get a Roor.

Addition comments by a reader and my answer below:

I'm not sure if you understand the ridiculous statement contained in there. You're just another victim who has fallen victim to paying for overpriced RooRs, a scam thinking anything labeled RooR is worth the ridiculous cost.
(You think RooRs are better then PHX's! Tisk-Tisk-Tisk!)

Quite seriously, I was offended when you said "good thing it was not a RooR"
I'd take a percolated PHX over a RooR any day.

Hey there,
Thanks for your comment. I do understand why you took offense. It was not very nice of me to say anything that made less of the PHX. I have never even had one in my hand let along used one. If you would allow me to post your comment under my statement I would be happy to do so.

German made 7.0, 18.8, 57cm rasta mouthpiece (which is sweet!!) custom bowlpiece of course. german diffuser as well.

That Original German Green has found good company.

And now, the long awaited milk shot!

Original German blown custom. How can I tell?

It is a question of the green color which is not the dark green like the US production. The squiggly is in the center which means it is a custom piece and then there is the perfect balance which embraces the user. It is, in effect, ALIVE ! ! !

Comming soon, a mountain view . . . loading . . loading . . loading. .


Here is a original Green Roor Lil' Sista'.

"thought all the roor fans/myspace users would like this one"

"Here's a pic of my 5mm Little Sista, 5mm ashcatcher,
diffuser and Che bowl.

I'm reposting this image due to the internet cable cuts.
Read more below pic.


Here is a Roor Zumo 29.2mm with a Rasta mouthpiece,
Ice Notches, Carb Hole and Millefiori embedding
The Bowl is Crowned and has a Spiral nebula
and the logo is a millenium of 18ct gold

Now you are readly to join the Zumo team. Here is how it works.

In Case the internet goes down, which could happen at any moment, we will revert to smoke signaling, using 50 Zumos with 50 good boys, placed at predetermined intervals around the world, to release smoke at the correct moment to write a message that can be seen and further relaid to the next Zumo relay.
You will be the Zumo chief for zone 'B'. We have one in zone H and S already but we need a whole lot of Zumos to make it work.
Peace O O O O O (five smoke rings)

The three intruders below, got into my email
via a worm hole in my junk mail controls.
They are NOT ROOR pieces.
Now we have to make the best of it and try to get the
images out of our minds. A very difficult task considering the
beauty of the fumed wispy and very romantic colors. But, let's try to scroll down to some familiar original Roor pieces . . .

I got hooked on the tail of this wonder. The pearly bowl would be considered an abomination to any "born again" glass blower.
But lets go on now . . .

The base is different and as haunting as the african neck stretcher . . .

I was so taken with the designs of these pieces that I went to findout who the blower " Vic Odd" is. You can learn more here.

A nice US made Roor Beaker.
The kid with the white glasses has been photoshopped.
I wanted to do a mustasch but it would have gotten in the way of the milk shot.

This US Green Roor Beaker was taken away by meanies with flat feet.
Thanks to "white glasses", we have a nice shot of her before being taken.

Don't know why, but this LUX is so jazed up that
it seems to be vibrating faster than the speed of light
and could be ready to teleport into another dimension.

Here is comes now but the top part seems
to have been lost in the void.

"Hey love the site here is my new LUX tube. 18" tall (really its only 17) with double percolators, splash guard, 18mm joint, a 14mm roor a/c with a diffused down steam, that goes to a 14/18 roor down steam also diffused. Total of 10 diffusers in this and it clears with a hiccup! Totally great piece and I would recommend it to anyone. Only downfall is you could only fit 2-3 ice cubes in it but who cares I hardly ever use ice anyways."

I see this piece as an exotic woman weaving her mischief.

Watch out, those bright rasta colors can blind ya.
The ash catcher on that pipe is awesome.

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