The Joint Doctor's Cannabis-seeds |
Contains !200 photos This Roor gallery is now a photo archive and resourse for Roor fans. Here is a custom Roor Shiva served on a beer tray.
Opus Roor collab on a US beaker. A sweet collection "This is mine and my girlfriends Roor Big sista. its german made." Hey mon, you'r suppose to photo shop your own face,
"Here is a pics of my lil sista roor and friends phxs" Black logo IceMaster in a van try to milk it if you can. This is from Our Second Annual RooRfest. A gathering where the only ticket in is a RooR piece. Cleaned and packed. The rotation goes on. Pack again when it cashes on you. Everyone gets 10-11 good rips.
Here is a US Roor IceMaster. Best tube ever made.
"hey check out my roor i just got a new nice ass bowl for it" On the right 4 chamber bubbler
"jbds are such nice glass and im happy to have some orignals. the first one is about 12 inches and is my favorite water pipe compared to anything ive really ever seen or owned. the bigger one is 18" and is also a favorite of mine but XXX (not for public viewing) RIP. they both have jbd sigs but u cant see it on the 18" US Roor Percolator-beaker From the same owner as above - this US Green Icemaster
It's an American Roor with forest green logo. Its called a RooR Green Machine , its 7mm thick and 55cm tall . Its double diffused with one in the ash catcher and also has a carbon filter. Nice US Roor with a outlandish bowl. Just like a Lady Here's my brand new 24" 5mm Black Label Straight Tube with my 18" Custom Lil Sista! Diffusers on both! This thing is good at one shot kills. USA ROOR ashcatcher w/ random bowl Custom German Roor Lil Sists PHX Trinity - 18.8, roor downstem conv 18.8 to 14.4 Jerome Baker Designs - MOTHERSHIP EDITION And below to close-ups of the JBD
I alreaady have a few pics of JBD's in the gallery but more are welcome. This arrived with the morning mail. Can't tell what it is. This is one of the last US made roor's that dosn't have 100% glass. An original black logo Roor classing up a Illadelph Hey, that's a ROOR towel hanging on the line. Click on pic for bigger image image OMG ! Warning: Grafic content! Ugg ! another broken US Roor "As I was sitting on my bed after only 12 hours of owning it (I will post another pic here when it is repaired).
The question above it that the signature of the blower (the squiggly) changes depending on if the Roor was blown in the USA or Germany. The red squiggly above is on an Original German Roor. The US pipes have it on the other side - or if it is a custom it could be in the center just above the joint. Some customs are not signed at all, depending on the design and request of the buyer. Here is the same black logo Roor with notches with the squiggle clearly seen on the German Roor side.
This is my blue label beaker bottom.
Two of my favorites in the same shot: I just had to throw in this grafitti of Bob Marley for good measure! Here we have three Roor IceMasters. I have my first "guess" HALT ! ! ! The Blue logo above is not an Original German ROOR. The only Original German Roor in the above pic is the Black logo Thanks to my German friend, Mata Hari, I was able to correctly identify that Blue log imposter. A slanted view to see those phat worked bowls. This boy looks like he is milking the tube but in reality Above is an authentic Black Lable German Roor. Here is that Rasta logo IceMaster again prepared to burn Ready! A 3 foot 5 chamber phx with ashcatcher The blue at the base is amazing. Here is a forest green US beaker being milked in style. This worked bowl is awesome. It hits so hard you see stars. This is a Roor original beaker with ashcatcher. Above is a US made Roor 9 mm wall thickness with 18.8 joint RooR Fairmaster 5.0 14,5 with Ashcatcher Original German made RooRs are boss! This Bong design took first place in the RooR Superbong Art Contest 2004. It is a 5 mm with a 14.5 joint. I love the guilded base. Well, I love all things guilded. Custom 18" Lil' Sista 18.8 with diffuser! Love that wall paper! SWEET Here is great news from the Zumo Chief of Zone "B" Hiey Zumo Chief Zone B, you do have a nice original German made Roor collection. This 10th Anni from Roor Germany with platinum ice notches is Here is the same 10th getting milked. Here is a great shot of a Rasta logo from Roor US on It's party time! This pipe looks like a sawed off Dealers Cup. Is the guy in the photo very small or is it that the pipe is very tall? It's a 33 inch double perc PH(x) w/ a white label Here are two greenz trying to get a rest after an all nighter. Here is a mean 9 mm Roor with Ashcatcher and a nice round sexy bottom. This White Logo is good example of a high quality ROOR product. . |
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