Contains !200 photos

This Roor gallery is now a photo archive and resourse for Roor fans.
I will not be posting any more Roor users' pics.
These several pages of pics contain only pics sent in by private persons with no commercial interests.

Filled up with Powerade it becomes a
W.M.D. or Weapon of Mass Destruction!
Custom little sista 18.8mm joints with a ruby colored logo, a green
and white crown mouthpieceand 45 cm tall


Here is a Roor Zumo 29.2mm with a Rasta mouthpiece,
Ice Notches, Carb Hole and Millefiori embedding
The Bowl is Crowned and has a Spiral nebula
and the logo is a millenium of 18ct gold

Now you are readly to join the Zumo team. Here is how it works.

In Case the internet goes down, which could happen at any moment, we will revert to smoke signaling, using 50 Zumos with 50 good boys, placed at predetermined intervals around the world, to release smoke at the correct moment to write a message that can be seen and further relaid to the next Zumo relay.
You will be the Zumo chief for zone 'B'. We have one in zone H and S already but we need a whole lot of Zumos to make it work.
Peace O O O O O (five smoke rings)

Here a a very nice Dealer's Cup with a red crown.
Those beer mugs are pretty nice as well.

Nice US made Roor with a forest green logo.
The AshCatcher is adorned with a crown bowl with matching spiral and was made by Roor in Germany.

All Roor US Greens with nice worked bowls. Below you will notice the difference between the US and German Diffusers.

Thanks for sending in your images.

Here is a nice collection of glass which includes a Roor 7 mm custom seen on the left.

This 10th Anniversary Special Edition
Icemaster #156/333 is prepared for its first workout

Smooth as milk

The 10th is a masterpiece of workmanship.
The next nunber will be #265/333
Who will be the lucky person?

Silver and ruby IceMaster

There are no words to describe this one
so I'll leave it to the photos.

Silver and ruby bowl on Ash Catcher
matching the ice notches on the pipe

Hand crafted cherry wood case for the jewels

Kiss of death

Get ready - set - Go!

Ah h h h h

Here is one of the first Roor 10th Anniversary pipes with the crown logo, gold ice notches and the crown bowl of safire blue beads. A must for collectors.
The 18.8 joint Ice Master is the best all around piece. It is the bases of all good collections. This one is adorned with green ice notches and has the nicest green squiggly - artists signature.

Nice !

I must share some valuable information from an email:

"Here are some pictures of our custom Green Label Roor. This Roor has been fixed because the part where the downstem goes in broke several months back. My roomate repaired it with epoxy, but it still wasnt up to par. So we took it to Venice Beach in California and they reblew it for 120 dollars.
Definitely worth it."



1419 Ocean Front Walk
Venice, CA 90291

A custom RooR 7.0 Little Sista' with an 18.8 bistabil joint,
green carb hole, rasta mouthpiece, rasta embeded glass,
green ice notches and a diffuser.
This piece is an original German made Roor
but the bowl is from Dementia in the USA

Love the carb hole in green to match the notches. Check out the embedded rasta just above the carb hole. N I C E !

Nice Roor beaker base .

This Roor beaker is an old original Roor model.
Can any one tell us when it was produced
and what it was called?

And finally a comment from an expert:

That looks like a US roor all the way to me.. the base however looks a lil thicker than usual but also he's using the US roor ashctacatcher.. the artists sig or squiggly is also to the left of the joint * all US roors sigs are.. and the sig itself is used on lots of US roors.. I persoanlly dont think thats german at all but one of the first they produced in the US..

Comment: "I saw one like this in CA, U.S. 3 years ago. It looks like a German-blown dealer's cup before they incorporated ice-notches into the design (which could have been shipped over), either that or one of the first ever US Roor models, as that was the country where I saw it."

. . .Also, I can confirm that the black beaker
w/o ice pinches that someone suggested is from the USA
is in fact from here. I own one just like it. It was
the USA version of the Dealers cup, but didnt have ice
pinches. Just hoping to further inform.


Here's a nice hookah!
Can anyone tell the owner where it came from
and if it is a US Roor?

"yes, this is a us roor..."
Comment from an inside source that wishes to remain anonymous.


Here is another US Roor Hookah.
The Black logo has 5 mm glass.
I hear from a Roor lover that it pulles very well and is like breathing fresh air. I also heard from an other that he dislikes the plastic tubes.

This wonderful Roor custom could only have been blown by the expert blowers in Germany - under the creative eye of Martin Birzle. A very nice piece.

It is an Icemaster 7 mm with a 10 cm extension - flame polished logo - yellow cosmos embedded section with matching crown mouth piece and blue colored ice notches. The Ashcatcher is a 5 mm Black with it's own diffuser.

"a roor percolator made by roor usa, here are some
better shots of it :) They only have them in L.A. California and dont
ship them anywere else. They are VERY hard to come by. See the bent
neck bowl?"
Ya, nice bent neck bowl.

This shot is called The 4th of July. Sure better than fireworks!

Roor cigarette holder for the connoisseur

This collection of bowls is growing by the day.
I even see a bubble bowl there on the far right

A growing collection of Roor's famous hand blown glassware
which now includes the Yellow Perccolator.

Here is a seemingly authentic Roor piece that
I call "the green ball bong". Does anyone know who blew it?

I have some replies that say it is a Roor US model called "Bubble Base". It's probably a 7 mm but now they have the Forest Green Logo line in 3 mm. I'm told they are not easy
to come by at the moment.


The 'green ball' is adorned with a lovely bowl
with narrowing and a little beak handle.

Here is a Roor Geen 7 getting its first work out.
It did well despite it was still suffering from jet lag.

A hot bubble bath then dried in a fluffy towel - just like a baby.

The Original Roor 'squiggly' can not be mistaken.

Up it goes on the trophy shelf -
a fine addition to a great glass collection.

Nice bowls in the Roor wood bowl display.

Here is a very nice bowl collection - Y E S !

P r e s e n t i n g . . . da da da daaaa. . .

The one and only 'Rube Goldberg' hookah vap bong !

The inventer explains: Afer having tried to change his mobil
phone batteries in 20 easy steps, he had a vision on how best
to smoke the good weed. See next pic. . .

'I found a piece in a headshop that was made for the
Roor Hookah. It's the piece that goes in the joint and
then connects to the tube that you suck through when
hitting the hookah. I took that piece and connected to
my vaporizer tube and then insert the other end of the
glass elbow piece in the diffuser of Guinevere.'